The day was beautiful but very windy- which made for awesome hair. =)
Christians first Beach trip
As Kent and the kids were playing in the water I noticed a "fin" coming towards I did what any "Mom/Grammer would and yell at them to get out of the water. Happy Day, turns out to be a school/pod of dolphins.... playing around just a few feet from them.
Fun (smile) it's funny how just a few seconds can change everything from scary to fun.
(no pictures though...I was too busy saving life's...haha)
I had a wonderful time with this cute little family.
I love this little family...I love all my dear children and grandchildren.
May I get a little personal and present to you a challenge or question?
I know that your love for your family is truly great. But it can be even greater. We know that life is uncertain and that the good things we enjoy now might not and probably cannot go on forever.
Now I ask you: Where are you really going? Where is your family going? Are you always going to have fun? Are you always going to be together like you are now? Do you ever think of eternity?
I believe in eternity and that families can be together forever through Heavenly Fathers plan.
Last night was our Favorite things party for all the Young Women leaders in our Stake. What a fun evening. We planned the evening to be very causal and lighthearted.
Each of the ward/branch YW presidencies were in invited to come and share one of their favorite YW Activities.
So many fun ideas were shared! Oh my goodness...the ladies in our stake are awesome!
I get asked quite often- Why whatever for your blog name?
Here are the two reasons-
1- Simply because my Children said that word a lot while growing up and...
2- Because this is what I believe-
Be the Best of Whatever you are
If you can't be a pine on the top of the hill,
Be a scrub in the valley—but be
The best little scrub by the side of the rill;
Be a bush if you can't be a tree.
If you can't be a highway then just be a trail,
If you can't be the sun be a star;
It isn't by size that you win or you fail—
Be the best of whatever you are!
-Douglas Malloch-
In this world of perfect pinterest parties and events....sometime I think we can get lost and forget that we have something great to offer...something that is just ours, something only we can give.
and that is being the best daughter or son of God that we can be. Finding our strengths and talents and helping them to grow and becoming the best they can be ....maybe not someone Else's best but our best!
"To Be the Best of What I Am": by L.Tom Perry's son
I am the best at what I do
and I do all I can.
I am the best in at least one thing,
When so I think
then so I am.
To serve my fellowman
As President
or plumber
The best way that I can,
Brings to me the greatest joy to stay
Through winds of circumstance
may seldom blow my way.
I remain a servant of God,
an executor of His righteous plan.
To be a child of God
inherently filled with potential
And then to blame whatever fortune may come
on environment
Seems a bit deceitful.
I am a child of God
and this one thing I know:
You, too, are a child of God
not on earth for merely show
For you and I came here to grow.
I am the best at what I do
and I do all I can.
I am the best in at least one thing,
When so I think
then so I am.
I challenge us all this coming new year (me included) to be just a little bit better "you" than you were last year....
Celebrate being different, off the beaten path, a little on the weird side, your own special creation. If you find yourself feeling like a fish out of water, by all means find a new river to swim in. But DO NOT change who you are; BE who you are. Don’t deny yourself, improve yourself
We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul—We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things.
I have had this topic on my mind for some time....and wondered if I should share my thoughts....well, here goes.
(please note ... I'm not passing judgement on anyone... but pose a question?}
When did we stop trying to be refined?
A couple early memories of my Mother-
Sunday mornings- she made sure we were cleaned, clothing pressed military style, shoes shined....all 8 of us.
(all of this was taken care of Saturday evening....with the help of us kids.}
My Mother wore gloves and a hat to church for most of my early years....around my Teenage years the styles changed a little...but she always looked pressed and clean...and always a string of pearls.
We had freshly pressed linens on the Sunday table....and always Sunday dessert. Dinner was never exotic...just mashed potatoes, veg from the garden, and beef that was raised on the farm.
For most of my growing up years we lived in very small homes...usually only 2 bedrooms and one bath....remember 8 children =)
Our home was clean and organized. We took care of what we had. When I was 8 years old I wore my first "store" bought dress. I usually had one Church dress and 3 or 4 school dresses.
(I didn't wear pants to school until I was in 9th grade.}
Mother made most all of our clothing.
We were not wealthy by any stretch of the word.
We never took a family vacation and as a family we never ate at a restaurant. (On a date at age 16 was my first time in a restaurant.}
My Mother took a lot of "flack from other women"...who made fun of her for taking the time to clean, organize, teach good manners, read good books, listen to good music.
(Women why do we do this to each other?} I see it happening today "the making fun of" sad.
Okay, so I share this part of my history because....I want to know....
When did we stop trying to be refined?
One of the purposes of our earthly probation is to become like our heavenly parents in every conceivable way so that we may be comfortable in their presence.
When did it become more socially acceptable to have a dirty home as apposed to a clean one?
Today... if your home is clean then you are a uptight crazy hanger lady.
(Now, please note... perfectly perfect is not what I mean nor would I strive for....I have always said...if the floors under all the toys and books are clean....your good to go....also, I believe that everyone that lives in the home should help clean it...including the's not just a Mom thing.}
As a Mother of five, one girl four boys...I know that it takes effort and time....much of which is lacking during the early stage of Motherhood....
My point is when did we give up?
When the Lord comes he will not expect to meet a dirty people, but a people of refinement.” President Lorenzo Snow (1814–1901)
When did wholesome ...Art, Music, speech stop being something we "seek" after?
David Starr Jordan, former president of Stanford University, wrote:
“To be vulgar is to do that which is not the best of its kind. It is to do poor things in poor ways, and to be satisfied with that. … It is vulgar to wear dirty linen when one is not engaged in dirty work. It is vulgar to like poor music, to read weak books, to feed on sensational newspapers, … to find amusement in trashy novels, to enjoy vulgar theatres, to find pleasure in cheap jokes.
Refinement in speech is reflected not only in our choice of words but also in the things we talk about. There are those who always speak of themselves; they are either insecure or proud. There are those who always speak of others; they are usually boring. There are those who speak of stirring ideas, compelling books, and inspiring doctrine; these are the few who make their mark in this world. The subjects discussed in heaven are not trifling or mundane; they are sublime beyond our most extended imagination. We will feel at home there if we are rehearsed on this earth in conversing about the refined and noble, clothing our expressions in well-measured words.
When did we stop being refined?
Mother always taught us that the way we dressed shows respect for our-self and those we love including Heavenly Father.
Some may say- “How I look has nothing to do with how God feels about me.”
But it is possible for both earthly parents and heavenly parents to have unspoken disappointment in their offspring without diminished love.
I tried to teach my children if in doubt on what to wear to Church or an would President Monson or Sister Monson dress?
Meaning your may not be someone Else's best...but your best.
(and certainly not worldly best}
Audrey Hepburn while she was making the movie My Fair Lady. She spoke of the opening scene in the movie in which she depicted a modest, unpolished flower girl. Her face had been besmirched with charcoal to make her seem part of her surroundings. “But,” she said with a twinkle in her eye, “I was wearing my perfume. Inside I still knew I was a lady.” It doesn’t take expensive perfume to make a lady, but it does require cleanliness, modesty, self-respect, and pride in one’s appearance.
I'm blessed with a daughter and daughters in love who strive to be the best person they can be...this makes me happy....
Because I have seen first hand how living beneath ones potential is so very harming....even depressing.
Refining takes time and effort...big effort... but so worth it....don't give up, baby steps.
Maybe start with a corner of your home, or a pressed skirt to church, or learning something new in Art, literature etc.
I still work day by day to refine things in my life....and believe me it is not always will be a daily earthly battle...I'm okay with that because I know that this is part of the reason we are learn & improve.
I write this post because in the last year I have talked with and seen Women who seem to have given up...the kind of "throw your hands up in the air and walk away giving up."
They don't care how they look, what condition their home is in as long as they can find the bed at night....and I feel so sad. What can I do? I could help for a moment...but then are we back to square one...once the help has left?
What do we do Women?
How do we help each other?
Could it be about "refining"?
Like I said at the beginning of this post...
I'm not passing judgement on anyone... but pose a question?
When did we stop trying to be refined?
Remember kindness matters...what one person is trying to "refine" may not be what is needed in your own life...we all have different things to "refine"
I love looking out this window...especially when our Crepe Myrtle is ablaze in Autumn's splendor.
I stood high on the take this get a better perspective....this picture was taken in the morning....but look how the camera focused on the light....leading me to enjoy the fall colors even more.
The house seemed so I just sat there on the stairs thinking- My head filling with all kinds of thoughts....I decided to write down a few that stayed with me throughout the day.
Service and
perspective....brings out the best in all of us.
It gets us looking outward instead of
It prompts us to consider others
needs ahead of our own.....
I love seeing young families teach their children to
We will not save our children by focusing only on fun activities which
are more inward-looking.
Teach them to serve.
The light always surrounds the best things.....look to the light...I wish I could be more like a camera and always focus on the light.
Oh, How Heavenly Father loves us...Thank Thee so much for Fall.
Just my thoughts on a quiet morning sitting on the stairs.....looking out.
Torn- To pull apart or into pieces by force; rend.
2. To make (an opening) by ripping
yes....the pigs are at it again...not even funny!
and the woodpeckers have never stopped.
Sometimes I feel all I do is mend things.
A Vintage quilt Danny's Grandmother made- This is what it looked like yesterday......
Tried my hand at being a surgeon .... with iron-on tape and some careful “finagling” today it looks like this.
Repairing, mending and fixing....the story of my life.
Ok so I'm having a little pitty party...just when I think I can't fix another thing or feel broken myself...I remember a talk given by Jeffrey R Holland....(one of my favorite talks}
And then all is well.
One more thing-
As I was going over each line of sewing....checking for any torn areas...I found something I had never noticed before...(and we have had the quilt for close to 40 years}
Got to love GrandMa Carrie...never one to waste anything. On the edge close to the binding.... she used some left over fabric from what looks to me like a cross-stitch pattern.
Today as I walked the path to the garden; I was considering all my blessings.....listing them one by one large or small in my mind as I walked and worked.
As I looked around an overwhelming feeling came over me....Teresa you are so blessed. Yes, death, illness, pain have entered you are blessed.
Even as we stand knee deep in work....I feel blessed. Blessed to have the strength to do the work....and that I have work to do.
The outpouring of blessings makes me wonder- I'm I becoming the person God, our Heavenly Father Intended me to be?
Do I listen carefully to the promptings sent my way?
I love this qoute from President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
When it comes to living the gospel, we should not be like the boy who dipped his toe in the water and then claimed he went swimming. As sons and daughters of our Heavenly Father, we are capable of so much more. For that, good intentions are not enough. We must do. Even more important, we must become what Heavenly Father wants us to be.
To avoid some of the deepest regrets of life, it would be wise to make some resolutions today. Therefore, let us:
Resolve to spend more time with those we love.
Resolve to strive more earnestly to become the person God wants us to be.
Resolve to find happiness, regardless of our circumstances. {End quote}
I want to gather those I love around me and let them know how blessed I feel to have them in my life.
Even when things seem just to0 big to handle....I need to remember to just do it a step at a time, make better decisions and try to use my time more wisely.
Quote- "The path toward fulfilling our divine destiny as sons and daughters of God is an eternal one. My dear brothers and sisters, dear friends, we must begin to walk that eternal path today; we cannot take for granted one single day. I pray that we will not wait until we are ready to die before we truly learn to live. In the sacred name of Jesus Christ, amen." Pres. Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Do you ever like to "zoom in" with your camera? I do. It makes the everyday things seems so pretty...and special.
Every once in awhile I like to take "zoom in" pictures of things around my home. Just to appreciate them more.
Every once in awhile I like to "zoom in" if you may on my life. What do I do right/wrong and try to make it better. Lately I've been trying to be open to feeling impressions to do right. If you don't mind, I would like to share something that happened many years ago.
I have learned to never postpone a prompting. On one occasion many years ago, I was driving Mason to cub scouts when I felt impressed to stop by and visit a dear friend. I put the feeling aside thinking I was too busy to stop. I preceded to take Mason to Scouts, returned home and worked about the house for a few minutes until time to pick Mason up.
Again I received the same impression to check on them. I immediately turned the car around and went straight to their home.
There I found this dear friend in the drive way of their home trying to get his wife out of the back seat of the car.
She had eye surgery earlier that day and was not able to help herself, a little weak from age and surgery. Somehow she had tangled herself up in the seat belt and he could not get her out.
I felt so bad I didn't stop in earlier.
After getting them both in the house. He shared with me that he didn't know what to do, he didn't want to bother the, he said he just prayed.
I learned a hard lesson that day- never again to put off an impression to do good.....if only I had stopped by the first time.
Our Heavenly Father is concerned for us....taking time to provide inspiration concerning one individual.
That day also reinforced the testimony I have of a loving Heavenly Father who is aware of our needs and will help us as we call upon Him for help.
I have a testimony that Heavenly Father is in the details and little things.
I like to image Heavenly Father using his "zoom in" lens to check on us..... I pray that I will always be open to the impressions he sends my way.
My Blog began in 2005- I write about "whatever" I am doing- about my husband (Danny) and our 5 grown children and grandchildren. I write about the things I love...from creating a new room to playing with my grand-kids...I share my blessings and my testimony about my Mormon Faith.{The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints} I love finding ways to be happy and enjoy the blessings I've been given....come what may.....Happy Day