Get up Denver it's your Birthday! How old are you now... 22? =}
So in honor of his special day I thought I would share a sweet little story about him and "the ugly white car."
We were heading to the auction to drop off an "really old beat up car" for *Ben, Dan's friend. Dan & Ben have dealers license and would help people get rid of their cars once in awhile.
Dan, myself, and Denver {who is around 4 years old at the time.} loaded up and headed down the road. We had just one stop before we got to the Bay area auction, which was to stop off and talk to some potential client. We decided to park the really ugly beat up car a few doors down from our stop- {We didn't what to give the client the impression that we were on our last dime and ready to close up shop- because really if you saw the car you would think so....and that wasn't the case.}
So we parked the "ugly car" in front of Burger King- Dan gets out, says..."Hey, when I get back lets go have some lunch at Burger King."
Happy Faces everywhere. Denver was already dreaming about his toy.
About 15 minutes go by and Dan has not returned and Denver was not pleased. He kept begging to go inside Burger King- of course my response was..." As soon as your Dad gets back we will go in, just be patient, he will be back in a couple of minutes"
That wasn't going to work for Denver, he rolled down the window stuck his head out the window there in front of Burger King and in the sadest, voice that you can imagine began to cry...I'm starving, I'm so hungry, I'm starving. over and over....Didn't faze me, I knew he wasn't starving he just wanted his way. So I let him carry on.
This went on for about a minute when the sweetest little old lady hardly able to walk...came up to "the ugly beat up car" with a five dollar bill in her hand and said..."Would this help?"
Oh my goodness....I tried to assure her that we were just fine, and really as sweet as that was for her to offer the money, I just couldn't take it. She reached in gave me a hug and said "let me help you", then she laid the money on the bench and was gone faster than I could believe.
{There I sit crying because I just took that sweet little ladies last dollar and we didn't need it. I keep thinking why did she do that....then it dawned on me.
Denver was a tiny little thing probably weighed all of 30 lbs. with dark set eyes and very chiseled figures, hanging out the window- and then there was the ugly beat up I understood.
By the time Dan got back I was a wreck. I looked like I had gone to a funeral.
What a sweet little lady- I prayed for her off and on from that day forward, I'm sure she is no longer with us. But I still ask Heavenly Father to bless her for her sweetness. We didn't need the money that day, but that's not the lesson that was to be learned.
I learned lessons of compassion, gentleness, and sweet grace. Thanks to that wonderful little old lady.
It is a Beautiful Life- That little lady "changed" me, her one simple act of kindness.
My goal this month is to be aware of those around me, to encourage, and praise. To allow change to happen. See what others are talking about. click graphic.
Have you been touched by someone goodness?
Happy Day Denver we love you. Hope you're not starving.
{when you come home in a couple of weeks, dinners on us, your choice}
*Ben is still missing- On April 6th at 7pm there will be a show airing about missing persons- Ben's story is part of that segment. BYU-TV