April 1st was the day of our Flower Potluck- I ordinarily planned it as our Branch Relief Society mid-week activity.... but opened it up to anyone who wanted to come. My branch sisters weren't able to attend but we had great fun with my Church sisters from Merced, Modesto and Turlock Stakes.
We held the event up in the foothills where the green was very green and all things spring were glorious.
Sandi my dear friend came up early to help me get ready...so blessed to have her as a friend.
What we did-
- hung carnations from the ceiling, readied the gift baskets, cut flowers from my yard and taped printed art on the wall.
- each sister received a basket with: ribbon, seed packet, note card, floral tape, wire, tags and pretty tape
- The event was pretty easy.... as each person that attended came with a bouquet of flowers and a spring dish for lunch....sharing is awesome!
We gathered at 11am...in the rain... which added to the great adventure!
Notice that crazy lady with the unbrella...yep...thats me in all my fashion glory! =)
Heidi is always so helpful...with the picture taking.
After we ran around in the rain collecting flowers...we came back to "Le Shed" and began playing.
Before the ladies put their flowers in the mason jar vases we snapped a picture.
Bree, Emily, Libby, Heidi, Sandi, Bev, Breathe in Life, Pam and Bloom
Back to more playing...we all made floral crowns....and then Heidi took our picture.
peonies from my garden
After we had gathered, picked and played it was time to eat... we made flower place cards 0f course...and oh my, the food was great...chocolate dipped strawberries, snicker bar salad, fruit salads, citrus & broccoli salad, southwest salad, sandwich rolls, spinach salad, cookies , fruit filled cones, sliced baguette's filled with veg.
Did I mention....it is so much fun to Share!
and of course we wore our crowns. (its not every day that you can run through the garden in the rain picking flowers .....so we embraced the little girl in each of us today.}
Truth is, putting together this event I didn't buy any new decorations...used my old napkins and table cloth, we even made use of things left over from the Spring Event 2 years ago... but that didn't stop us from having fun ...I believe more often than not, the best memories are the ones where we forget about perfection and embrace those imperfectly endearing moments of togetherness.
Thanks ladies for putting on your garden shoes and coming to play with me!
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