Today is our 35 Anniversary!
He was twenty one when he took my trembling hand across the Holy alter at the Manti Temple, I was still a girl. A Girl who hid shy with low self esteem and was swallowed down with fear of not being good enough. He changed all that....I love him.
When I tell people we have been married for 35 years they can't believe it...not sure why....seems like yesterday to me....but then again, a life time ago when we started our journey.
Today I would like to share 35 habits we practice and enjoy that I believe keeps us holding hands and looking for each others eyes in the crowd.... just to pass a look that says....I see you.
- Sacrifice
- Hug at the bed upon raising
- Hug at the door good bye
- Hug at the door hello
- Write Thank you notes to each other.
- Plan together
- Dream together
- Pray together
- Hold hands- whenever you not holding something that will break =)
- Receive His Love
- Whisper Sweet nothings
- Thank you everyday
- Scratch each others back
- Cry with him
- Help each other reach their Dreams
- Lay down self
- Rub his back and talk about your day
- Let go
- Hold tight
- Kiss at all the gate ways- at the doors leaving and coming-
- Forgive
- Forget
- Laugh hard
- Get away together- hide..Even if you have to lock yourself in the bedroom.
- Protect- each loyal about this. Be each others cheerleader.
- Never demean
- Date each other
- Surprises
- It's never 50/50 it's 100/100
- Be quiet
- Shop with him even if its boring-Lowe's, Home Depot, car store, gun shops...then...You get him all to yourself on the drive there. =)
- Take one for the team...everyday
- Work hard....he does this more than I do
- Look for the good....and let him know
- Share- nicknames, Dreams, The Gospel, Children, Grandchildren, failures .....just share.
Our Love is different then when we began....young love is of imaginations it's different then love made of sacrifice and in the image of our Savor.
I just love this Man....Happy Anniversary Danny/Dan/Bob =)
(ps. Danny...sorry if I embarrassed you, looking forward to Kauai =}
Happy Day!