There are some places around the CV house that I don't show very often.....but today I would like to document them so I will remember how much they have grown or changed. {my blog is like a journal for me....and I use it for reference often.}
That being said....I wanted to document how much the fire-pit area has grown. The Trees almost completely in-circle the area. My brother Don planted these trees and every-time I walk past them I think of him. {he passed away in 2009.}
When we first put these solar units in I was like...could they be any uglier...? but now I love them....we haven't had a PG&E bill since we put them in.
Mr Owl where are you? We put in a couple Owl boxes last year in the hopes that Mr and Mrs Owl would move in and scare away the luck yet. Do you know how to get Owls to move in?
The vintage swing that's hard to swing on....but I love how it welcomes us home.
I think most of our fruit survived the cold last night, and the flowers seem to be doing okay.
This time of year is busy around the yard....cutting, weeding, mowing, trimming, and cleaning up winter's mess. Each year we gather up all the branches that have fallen from the oak trees and make a big pile that we burn...before May first.
Our work is done....well, for a little while.
I think it's time to go sit on a nice warm beach somewhere. =)