I have to say....the Vintage Spring Sorbet Event when way beyond our dreams- sweet happy day....and You are the ones that made the day perfect. I honestly believe that as far as weather for that day....it was the best "weather day" of the year. The power of 200 women praying. =)
It will take several posts to show you all the goodness-
As of now....the tent is down...things are mostly cleaned up.....so, I thought I would start the process of telling you about the Spring Event.
Starting with set up.
Sandi, Ruth, me and all the girls got an early start on Friday....
See these awesome kites? Sandi and Ruth made the kites- Awesome!....We had a blast setting up this photo shoot area.
....here is a little look at our day.
Danny and Sam were our muscle for the day....amazing help! Thanks guys.
The girls baking up a storm in the kitchen.
Took some time for a little photo shoot in the garden-
Love this picture....you can just see in the girls faces and actions how hard they worked....love you girls.
Heidi and family came in to work on their part...awesome.
Alisa, Heidi, Monica, Trish, Kay and Flo-{the Mom}
After most everything was ready to go, we took some time to just sit and relax down at the lake.
We had a wonderful sweet peaceful evening- Paige sang a song from Tangled while we lowered our wishing candles in the lake....sweet moment.
Then it was home to bed....because at the crack of dawn we were up....doing this....
I feel so blessed to have such wonderful women like these in my life- many hands makes light work.
More on the Event later.
Happy Day